Documate is now Gavel! Read more about why we’re excited about this rebrand.

Whitelabel Your Site

Your Logo

Under the Standard, Pro, and Scale plans, you can display your own logo at the top left of the screen.  Please upload an image, ideally 200x26 pixels, to the System Settings page of your Dashboard.

From the System Settings page, you can also customize the favicon shown for all of your Gavel workflows. See here for instructions.

Update your Name Internally

You can update the name shown on the bottom left of your dashboard like this:

Custom Introductory Page

By default, your subdomain displays a standard intro message.  This page can be modified to display the message of your choice. Contact with the desired content of your main page, and we'll set it up for you.

Custom Client Pages

If you'd like to place some or all of your interviews on a publicly-facing page for your clients, you can do so by emailing  
Here is a sample: Sample Interview Page

Changing your subdomain

Changing your Gavel subdomain is not possible. However, you can set up a custom domain for your Gavel account (e.g. instead of which you can adjust easily and which will not include the word "Gavel" in the URLs.