Documate is now Gavel! Read more about why we’re excited about this rebrand.

Question Types

The first step on Gavel is to add questions that reflect all of the data you want to gather. Here's a rundown on the main question types:

  • Text: A textbox allowing users to write in a short text answer.
  • Text Area: Allows users to write a longer narrative answer.
  • Single Select: Allows users to choose only one item from a list.
  • Multi-Select: Allows users to choose all choices that apply from a list.
  • Dropdown: Allows users to choose only one item from a list, but visually looks like a dropdown.
  • Combobox (see here)Allows users to choose one answer from a list of choices or to free-type another response that is not listed. (Ex. allow a user to free-type an "Other" option in addition to the options listed.)
  • Yes/No
  • Number (with or without decimals)
  • Date
  • Email
  • Repeating Item: A list or looping question allowing you to ask about any item that there could be 0 to an infinite number of. (Ex. Children: there could be one child or multiple children.)
  • File Upload: Allows users to upload a file of one of the following types:
    .pdf, .docx, .doc, .txt, .rtf, .png, .jpg/.jpeg, .tiff, .gif.
  • Signature: Electronic signature function that provides users with a space to sign or hand-draw a signature. (Can also be used on a phone or tablet).
Informational Blocks
  • Instruction: Provides users instructions and allows them to press Continue but does not require them to answer anything.  
  • Kickout Page (see here)Allows you to create a kickout or decision page without any fields. Can be used as an alternative to your Output Documents page to navigate the user to a decision (expert system) or kick them out of the system entirely (e.g., based on ineligibility).
  • Stripe: Integrate with Stripe to collect payments in workflows.
  • Clio Matter and Clio Contact: Pull data from a Clio matter or contact, respectively. Can be used with predictive autofill on or off.
  • CSV: Pull data from a spreadsheet or lookup table.
  • Invisible Logic. The most powerful feature you'll find. Create new variables and set complex and conditional values for those variables.

You can add a question by clicking the question types on the Builder screen: