Tagging your templates for DocuSign
Now that you have connected your Gavel and DocuSign accounts, and set up your output documents to DocuSign, you are ready to tag your templates with DocuSign anchors. This is to ensure that the documents sent to DocuSign will have the signature, date, or initials in the correct places.
You will be able to tag your document using the Word add-in. In the Word add-in, you will see a section labeled “Signatures” at the bottom. If you have enabled the DocuSign integration for this workflow, you will be able to open this dropdown section. In this section, follow the dropdowns and select “DocuSign field”, then select the recipient, and finally select what you would like to format in DocuSign. You have multiple options for formatting, including adding a signature, date, initial, or approval.
Now, click insert and insert the syntax into where you would like it to appear in your document.
Finally, update your document in Gavel. Once this is updated you may run this workflow and utilize the DocuSign integration. Your recipients will receive an email from DocuSign where they will then be able to carry out the role that was assigned to them in the Output Documents tab when configuring the integration.

Word add-in DocuSign Anchors:
When you add the anchors from the Word add in, they will appear to have only one set of brackets around the variable. However, the outer brackets are white which allow the anchor to be "hidden" by the DocuSign reader. If you change the color of those anchors you will see the anchor on the output DocuSign PDF that is sent for signatures.