Simple Variables
You don't need to learn to code, but if you're curious about the code that Gavel is inserting in your documents, we tell you all about it in this section.
Before you upload Microsoft Word (or .docx) documents to Gavel, you need to format the fields so the system can read them.
You can do this using the Simple Variables section of the Gavel no-code Word add-in.
Simple Variables:
You can insert simple variables and change their formatting. You can change text to Uppercase or First Letter Capital. Dates (including the variable {{today}}) can be formatted in various date style formats. If you do not see the date format you would like you can find more date options in Code Curious - Formatting Dates.
TIP: You can Bold, Italicize, Underline any variable by highlighting the variable and using Word formatting. Be sure to apply your desired formatting to the curly brackets, too.

Below, you can find an explanation of the code Gavel inserts in your documents.
Insert simple variable names using double curly brackets
In your Word document, surround your variable name with double curly brackets, with a space between the brackets and the variable name, like this:
{{ VariableNameHere }}
Dear <code>{{ FirstName }}<code>,
This is your document dated {{ DateVariable }}.
Love, {{ LawyerNameVariable }}