Formatting Words
Copy and paste these to get your perfect capitalization formatting.
These will force capitalization, so if you want words to appear as they're typed in the questionnaire, you do not need the below.
Upper Case/Fully Capitalized (ex. APPLE)
{{ variablename|upper }}
{{ variablename.upper() }}
Title Case (ex. Apple and Pear)
{{ title_case(variablename) }}
Capitalize First (ex. Apple and pear)
{{ capitalize(variablename) }}
Lower Case/Fully Lowercase (ex. apple)
{{ variablename|lower }}
{{ variablename.lower() }}
Add an "an" or "a" before variable (ex. An apple; A pear)
{{ indefinite_article(variablename) }}
Plural or Singular depending on number of items (ex. 1 apple; 3 apples)
{{ quantity_noun(variablename, "apple") }}
In this example, the variable name is an Integer that identifies how many apples there are. The word apple/apples stays constant.
Add a period to the end of a word/sentence
{{ fix_punctuation(variablename) }}
This is useful for company names where user might enter ABC, Inc., but others might be entering ABC Company. This allows you to add the period only after company names where there is no period.
Text area questions
Note that the only change you need to make to these is to replace “VariableName” with the name of your Text Area variable.
If you want a Text Area question to reflect all of the line breaks you use in your entry, use the following:
{{ variablename | manual_line_breaks }}
If you want a Text Area question that reflects all of the line breaks you use in your entry, and each line appears as a numbered list, use the following:
{%p for line in VariableName.split("\n") %}{{ loop.index }}. {{ line }}{%p endfor %}
If you want the output to be a bulleted list, use the following:
- {%p for line in VariableName.split("\n") %}
- {{ line }}
- {%p endfor %}
If you want the line breaks of a Text Area question to be separated by a comma, use the following:
{{ commalist(VariableName.split("\\n"), "<__str__()>", "") }}
This could be especially useful if you are copying an address in the multi-line format such as this:
Jane Doe
123 Main Street
Minneapolis, MN 55436
And wish to have it output in the comma list format
Jane Doe, 123 Main Street, Minneapolis, MN 55436
Signature Field Size
You can limit the size of a signature field, like this by changing "1in" to another size:
{{"1in") }}
Conjugating Verbs
To conjugate a verb based on how many people are acting, you will need to take two steps:
First, set up a multiple-choice question with the variable name "conjugation" and three options:
- 1sg
- 3sg
- pl
Then, use the following language in your document (replacing "allege" with your desired verb):
{{ verb_present('allege',conjugation) }}
The verb will be listed in your final document as "allege," "alleges," or "allege," respectively, depending on the question's response.
Alternatively, you can also conjugate verbs by using basic conditional logic shown on the prior pages . Example: allege{% if singular %}s{% endif %}.