Restrict Access to Your Workflow
By default, workflows are accessible to anyone with the link to the workflow.
Access can be limited in the Settings of each workflow. Select the Require Login setting to prevent users who are not logged in from accessing your workflow.
When this setting is applied, access may be further restricted to users logged in with specific email addresses and/or users logged in with any email address belonging to a specific email domain.

You may further restrict access by choosing to allow each user to complete this workflow only once. This will prevent users from making changes to their session after they have generated documents or reached the end of the workflow.
If you are seeing an "Unauthorized" message in your workflow, you have private data in the workflow (either a Clio question or a private CSV), and the workflow is not accessible to users who do not have Builder privileges. You can either:
(1) Remove the private data (if it's a CSV, you can make that CSV public instead of private), or
(2) Give these users Builder privileges to access these workflows.