Custom Review Pages
By default, there is a Review Page at the very end of the workflow, where a user can go back to any question to edit their responses and rerun the documents. You can remove this page like this. If desired, you can customize additional review pages by following the instructions below:
Allow User to Edit Specific Prior Answer
You can use the "Edit" function to allow users to change an answer on a prior page. For example, if you asked someone their name on page 1, you might want to give them a link to return to that page on page 15 of the interview.
This is the text you'll use to allow editing of prior answers. This will place a link inside of your interview that allows the user to click on the link and return to the variable name referenced:
[Custom Text](${ url_action('VariableName') })
[Click here to go edit your name.](${ url_action('NameVariable') })
Creating Additional Review Pages for Repeating Questions
If you want to create additional review pages for your repeating item questions, you can do so by setting up a Text Instruction question in your interview editor, and inserting the following text:
${ hsl_ItemName_table }
${ ItemName.add_action() }
Here's an example below: