Getting Started with Bundles
With bundles, you can collect your workflows into a group (a “bundle”) and set payment requirements for that bundle of workflows. As long as you have workflows already built, you can bundle them how you like and send a link to your users.
View your Bundles Page
To create a new bundle or edit existing bundles, select “Bundles” on your Dashboard page menu.

Create a Free Bundle
- Click “+ New Bundle” to Create a new bundle.
- Create a Bundle Name. This name will be displayed to the users and should describe the actionable results from the bundles. e.g., “Estate Planning - Wills and Trust,” “LLC Formation,” “Pre-Marital Agreements,” etc.
- Click Next.
- Create a Bundle Description. This will also be displayed to the users and should give them the outcome expected from taking the bundle.
- Select the workflows you want to include in this bundle.
- Configure the workflow sequence. You can delete a workflow from your bundle by clicking the trash icon or change the order of the workflows by clicking on the two dots to the left of a workflow name and dragging. If you’d like your users to complete the workflows in this order, you can check “Bundles must be completed in the order above.”
- Click “Next” to move on to Bundle Pricing.
- Choose whether you would like your bundle to be free or paid.
- If you choose to make the bundle free, click Finalize or “Save” and the back arrow at the top of your screen to save and return to your main bundles page.
Create a Paid Bundle
- Follow the steps above to create a bundle and reach the Bundle pricing section
- Select “Flat Rate.” If you have not connected your Stripe account, you will need to do this now. Connect your stripe account. Once your stripe account is connected, you will input the flat rate amount for the bundle.
- Choose where you would like to add the payment step for this bundle. You can require payment before the beginning of any of your workflows or before the documents are generated for any of the workflows.
- If you would like to add additional payment steps, click “Add another payment step.”
- Click Finalize or “Save” and the back arrow at the top of your screen to save and return to your main bundles page.
Duplicate a Bundle
To duplicate a bundle, click the “duplicate” icon on the far right of the bundle you want to duplicate.

Copy a Bundle Link
If you would like to give someone access to a bundle, you can share the link to that bundle.
- click the “copy” icon to copy the link of the bundle.
- You can now paste that link into an email, a browser, or your website to share the link.
In the example below, a bundle is copied, and the link is pasted into a browser to show what it will look like before a User starts a bundle.

Run the Bundle
Admin and Builders can run the Bundles similarly to how workflows are run in the dashboard. Click on the “Run” button to be directed to the bundle’s start page and begin the bundle process.