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Formatting Numbers

Copy and paste these to get your perfect formatting:

You must use the Number or Integer question type to use these functions.  If you use a Number, decimal points will show by default.  If you use an Integer, you will have a whole number.

In the examples below, replace variablename with your own variable name.

Currency (ex. $100,000.00 with $, commas, and two decimal points)

{{ currency(variablename) }}

No Decimal Points, No Commas (ex. 100000)

{{ Decimals0NoCommas(variablename) }}

2 Decimal Points, With Commas (ex. 100,000.00)

{{ Decimals2Commas(variablename) }}

0 Decimal Points, With Commas (ex. 100,000)

{{ Decimals0Commas(variablename) }}

Custom variation of decimals/commas

Replace the number 2 below with the number of decimal points you want:

With commas: {{ format_decimal(variablename, 2) }}

Without commas: {{ format_decimal(variablename, 2, False) }}

Ordinal number (ex. first, second, 10th, 21st, 22nd)

{{ ordinal_number(variablename) }}

By default, first-ninth will be written out.  If you prefer them all as numbers, use:

{{ ordinal_number(variablename, use_word=False) }}

Turn number into a word (ex. One Hundred Thousand) (we recommend using the Integer question type for this)

{{ numbers_to_words(variablename) }}

EU Number Formatting (ex. 1.000.000,00 instead of 1,000,000.00)

{{ format_number_eu(variablename) }}

Canadian French Number Formatting (ex. 1 000 000,00$ instead of $1,000,000.00)

{{ "{:,.2f} $".format(variablename).replace(",", " ").replace(".", ",") }}